Saturday 18 July 2015

Summer to-do list 2015

When it comes to calendars and schedules, I like to keep organised. From wall calendars to ‘to-do listed’, I do the lot. Seeing as its summer and the schools have broken up, I thought I would share with you my summer to-do list. These are by top ten things I recommend you add to yours.

#1 Summer camp out

#2 Go to the beach (obviously)

#3 Create the perfect smoothie bowl

#4 Explore a city of your choice


#5 Sick to a fitness routine

#6  Begin to learn a new language

#7 Explore your fashion style 

#8 Road trip

#9 Go to a festival


#10 Take a picture every day this summer

(All the images used above are from

I hope you all have an amazing summer! 

Yours sincerely,
Kate Elizabeth X